Well done Kennardo on calling out the offensive Tick Tokker. Many of the comments to your article refute both sides of the argument as to 'who had it worse.'
Abuse and the dehumanizing of a fellow humans is not a contest.
What is most sad is that slavery as it occurs today is continually ignored while groups harp back to that which happened generations before and do nought to illuminate the disgusting practice that continues to this day. The treatment of the Dinka people of Sudan is still unresolved and a search will reveal that worldwide there are 40 million people women and children subjected to enslavement. 40 million.
If many of the passions and vitriolic commentary were to be directed at eradicating slavery worldwide today rather than seeking some form of 'compensation' the catharsis of eliminating slavery would be a blessing to all.
I admire you for using your voice. K