Thanks Isaiah, I read your articles with interest. It is nice to see someone raise their head above the parapet.
If I may join you.
I see much value in your argument though it is not broad enough for me. I will be dead before any ‘New Deal’ is done, so my invested interest is for my grandchildren.
Combining the fragility of BRICS intentions, the fossil fuel / resource roulette wheel of global control, and the crystal ball of a parallel currency in crypto, where will this lead global populations in fifty years?
The global future lies not in the American Federal Reserve tweaks, nor in the posturing of Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and the associated hangers on (NK), but in the ever-growing global dissatisfaction with the ethics of society as toyed with by disaffected governance.
The level of hopelessness consuming the expanding impoverished masses may well lead to a dissolution of formal currency. The vaporization of the middle classes and the emergence of two classes; the 1% and the 99%, will harbor an animosity that will explode like a shotgun fired at a watermelon. Bloody, ugly, without purpose just filled with anger.
Across the globe, disillusion with the hope of decent opportunities in life is causing the educated, but disenfranchised, 99% to writhe in agony. Where will the first spark of societal self-immolation occur? In the US? In Europe? In the soon to be largest population pool, India?
Will fiat currencies finally give way to one single digital currency that the global community can have faith in? The dollar is, I believe, in its death throes. Constantly on the edge of bankruptcy, who would continue to invest in the ‘American Dream’?
BRICS, as a currency, is a divergent cultural bandaid arriving too late.
Governments will reel as a global shift to a new digital currency will occur leaving the 1% who monitor it, to administrate the 99%. (This is the world of Panem in the novel by Suzanne Collins, but on a global scale.)
It won’t be the French Revolution.
It will be the Hunger Games.
Our future rests in our global humanity not in our self-preservation and greed. Will we rise to the occasion?
Thanks for the read, apologies for the dark rant.