Thank you for the read Rebecca, you possess a clear and articulate voice.
You are achieving your goal it would seem by both inspiring and infuriating your readers to response. Yet I wonder why the title? For me it is tinged with clickbait racism.
I don’t contest you have been trolled by all manner of obscene individuals, it is a disparaging blow no individual should suffer and yet, why was color an issue? Perhaps I am naive, but I believe this is predominantly a behavior issue, not one of color. These numerous trolls that find some form of perverted joy from bullying and abusing others, are always, in your experience, white males? I thought trolls were too cowardly to emerge from their pits of anonymity?
Is not trolling, and I am far from an authority as I have no academic studies or published evidence to support my views, a behavior irrespective of color.
You lambaste males for the rearing of their trolls and yet you want white mothers to fix the situation? There seems to be a contradiction — call out the mothers and deride the fathers.
Is the first half of your article tailored to a racist agenda and the second half to an attempt to rectify a disease riddling the internet society?
Later in your article your tone is much more focused on eradicating the disgusting practice and your reference to race is eliminated. Your suggestions are gender and race neutral, and I believe worthy and readers should take note. As you rightly state, empathy is a quality far too diluted in our rearing of children.
I suppose my response will be discarded because though you implore engaging in dialogue and listening to another’s viewpoint, you seem to reply to only those who confirm your opinions not those who seek elucidation. I suppose I am seen as the troll you so effusively despise, yet I do not live under a bridge, I only want clarity. Is it the behavior you find repugnant or is it the presence of white males?
Thanks for your words. Your thoughts are always worth my time.