Such truth and vulnerability in your words, thank you. I wish you the best in raising your daughter. Her talents are not lost, merely submerged, take confidence in that. My wife and I took the approach: into sports out of addicitons with our children. (This included drugs, TV, and tech.)
I was lucky the invasiveness of smart phones was in its infancy.
I hope you can find a spark that unites you both in a common pursuit: fashion, art, creativity, and can throw yourselves into it together and in that way sideline the pervasive presence of social media status.
You are obviously a concerned and good parent battling the beast of technology, a Goliath, but hey, get the right rock and believe you can win her back.
Parenting doesn't stop at 11, or 21, or 31 or 41, children are our pride and concern for our lives. You are exemplary in your parenting.
Best of times for oyur family