Sorry to hear of the devastation to your bonsai collection. It must have been as devastating as losing a friend.
I have recently returned to Kamakura for a project and have already been to a private garden. It was wonderful to be welcomed in by an elderly couple when they saw me peer through their stone fence. The pride of their three bonsai was a treat.
I have incorporated bonsai into several novels. The Searching and Burn My Bonsai. I believe The Searching shares the clearest impact of bonsai on an individual. I would be happy to forward a digital copy ( just say the format you prefer) should you have time over the upcoming holiday season. It has several 5 star reads on various Amazon markets.
Henry V, a fine speech. I am partial to the Titus Andronicus speech when he sees Lavinia after her assault. It seems to tear the heart out of the throat of a man to see his daughter so abused. I have performed it several times and have grown to almost fear the speech.
Stay well in these difficult times.