Nicely written Julia. I am visiting rural Alberta from my home in Japan. I am staggered by the large number of morbidly obese people. Yet when I go to the supermarket most of the products are supersized. I want four rashers of bacon but my option is from (from!) 2 lbs. Everything is packaged huge. I feel embarrassed with my paltry purchases. I feel obligated to buy more, spend more, eat more sugar and carbs. Portion control in restaurants is unfathomable. I believe a customer should leave feeling slightly hungry as if just one more bite, like a lingering kiss, would make the love affair with the meal complete. It should not be either discarded or leaving the patron rolling with bloat for the next five hours.
No individual nor culture has the right to point a puritanical dietary finger at any other but one hopes for the sake of the family you have described are dawning will come. I believe as a parent one of the greatest gifts to my children is not to be a health burden in my dotage.
Great photos too. Beauty sleeps in the photographer's lens. K