Nicely written. I find your views invigorating.
I have one conundrum.
You equate racism with democracy. I see them as equally valid, but not the same.
Your article, as I read it, portrays democracy as being solely reliant on the elimination of racism, is that so? It seems your intention, most often displayed, is to demonize the 55% of frightened white women who did not vote in support of eliminating racism first and foremost. It presumes they have no other issues or concerns. The polarities of issues in the electoral platforms of the candidates cause a trauma of choices for each and every individual and that is the democracy they have the right to express and choose, though they may not swallow all the prerogatives of the party.
You portray democracy as being untenable without the annihilation of racism.
I am not protecting nor supporting the ugly face of racism. I am questioning why racism alone, in your writing, seems to be the sole foundation of democracy.
Is freedom of choice and the right to self- determination not democracy?
Racism can taint and spoil the fine fruit that is democracy, but it is not the sole poison that threatens democracy.
I am not a Christian, devout or otherwise, but I wonder how the millions of bible thumpers, with a half dozen children and a distrust of contraception of any form, deeply steeped in their church, who still believe in equality, will be labeled if they cannot, in their core religious fanaticism, accept the concept of elective abortion, gay rights, or same sex marriage? They are thrust into a state of choice between their religious fundamentals and the equality due to all humans. Political parties play on this divide constantly. You label them as racists yet their value system may be different that yours on only a few issues - not all. They cannot abide prochoice nor can they accept a racist president. The trauma of choice was put to them and they democratically may have chosen their religious fundamentals first, but that does not make them racist.
The polarities of the parties are at fault not necessarily the person who has the right to voice their vote to a party though not in support of each and every cause.
All voices should be heard and all approaches have the right to consideration.
The exit of the Trump presidency, one of the largest viewed reality/game shows ever, is a blessing. Viewer ratings have perhaps cancelled any furhter seasons? For this I believe the world is grateful to the millions of Americans who cast their votes thus in support of democracy, and the departure of the Trump administration will attribuite to the enhanced respect for the United States now that the orange buffoon is cast into the doldrums of his ego.
Thank you Eunice, your well written views have caused me to miss my morning training. I believe there are many who are grateful for the engaging style you use on the Medium platform.