Great to see how rewarding your journey is for you. Editors are expensive, that is very true. Before I tender anything to an editor be it; developmental, proof, line, or content editor I have my works beta read by at least six people. I have found three outstanding beta readers on fiverr. There are a lot of people who are disparaging of this service, and I too have had my strikes outs. However, after probably thirty attempts I have honed my selection to three. As an example of their work I submitted a 190k word novel for a beta read and received 26 pages of detailed notes, 90% of them actionable for 80$. That to me is a wise investment. Every novel I write goes through these three filters first, then I put it out to others. There are many different styles of beta reader but there are nuggets out there, you just have to sift through the sand. You could submit your anthology to a fiverr beta reader for a reasonable cost and get some feedback before going to a costly editor. In any event, keep writing and best of luck as an Indie.