Member-only story
Abuse me, Confuse me, I Rise Again
Where do I find myself in life’s torrents
Mind swirling, an old spin washer
thoughts clang in my brain
eyes search desperately for light
Gaze inside, where have I gone?
I stand, a charred rose
petals crisped with vile insults
unwanted, discarded from thought
spurned by a proclaimed superiority
Once kind eyes now seek to maim
to cripple a soul once loved
harangued and scorned
derision gnaws and belittles my soul
Hands lash out and fly
to cripple hope and defile beauty
destruction of innocence,
the obliteration of being and entity
The choking of hope
What brought hate to my door?
When did spite become my only love?
How is my life unforgiven?
Where to turn?
to escape the gangrenous infection of hope
I grasp slivers of self
a morning lark’s call of a new day