A worthy point Felix. Recently on this platform, and as I see it the general malaise of social media, the male gender is similar to a carnival arcade shooting stand. The little figurines that trundle across before the shooter are all male, despised and grossly generalized. They are shot at irrespective of their individuality, self worth, or societal value. If the figurines were to be of any other particular race, culture, color , sexual disposition, or religious leaning the thought of trundling them out for social media firing practice and persecution would be tantamount to the vitriol of Jim Crow, Hitler or any other social Pyrrha.
Yet on Medium, there flows a tide of venom decried by both the astute and the salacious.
I believe the article and author raise numerous perceptive issues, but sadly are clothed in generalities.
Generalities are the bane of clear understanding and wisdom.
I would also postulate that there were more than three characters in Sartre's play. One must also consider each character's alter ego as influenced by both self and society. There is also the essence of the audience. No conflict or drama exists in a vacuum.
Simone de Beauvoir scripted much of feminist theory and yet never ascended to a resolution of the battle between absolute freedoms vs. the constraints of society's prescribed gender roles.
Perhaps the generalities and anonymity of social media in today's fifteen second philosophy bites would assuage her worthy writings.
For me the plethora of generalities and broad stokes of misandrist hate do not enhance a well articulated point of view. Sad though I find it to be.