A truly inspiring, though somewhat depressing article. To abridge the Bard, 'The tragedy lies not in our stars but in ourselves that we are robbing the youth of their infinite capacities.'
The dumbing down of the value of education and replacing it with ephemeral 'influencer ambitions' and 'instantaneous social media approval' is spiraling the core of society into a dark and gloomy well.
No country has an ideal education system and teachers should be venerated not dismissed or condescended to, yet that hope is almost Promethean and the livers of those noble souls who fight for improvement and just development of young minds will sadly have their livers gorged upon. It is a tragedy of our times.
I choose to believe, however, that humanity has an eternal flame of compassion which strives to leave the next generation better off than the last. When we stop pursuing knowledge and abandon our youth for financial gain we are a doomed species.
I commend you as an educator and also as a voice of inspired reasoning to implore others to ensure that frontline educators are both venerated and compensated for the selfless work they provide to nurture our future on this little green planet.